Scattering Though Dielectric Rough Surface

  • Dr. Roshan Kumar Chaudhary


With the use of the di?raction theory of scattering of electromagnetic waves by a randomly rough surface the analytical solution for the transmitted light scattering by a dielectric rough surface in the case of a normal incident beam was obtained. This solution was formulated in the terms of the photometry indicatrix. As it was estimated by a numerical calculation with the use of the derived formula the transmitted light has no strong scattering by a dielectric randomly rough surface even in the case of so-called Lambertian surface. One of the practical applications of the obtained result can be the classical theory of the light transport and scattering in turbid media, biological tissues for example. Today in the classical radiation transport theory the boundary conditions of the plane surface are used more often. But the real dielectric scattering media usually have the non-plane, randomly rough surface, so the randomly rough surface boundary conditions are desirable in the light transport theory in a general case.

 Keywords: Renewable energy, Power Consumption and Internet data.
