Reading of Vikas Swarup’s ‘The Accidental Apprentice’ in the light of Socio-Cultural Problems in India

  • Mr. Vaibhao B. Pimpale, Dr. Hitendra B. Dhote


In modern scholarly writers think about, a subject is the central theme of content treats. The foremost common understanding of the subject is an idea or point that's central to a story. Acclaimed author Vikas Swarup implies the new narrative techniques of the seven tests to throw light on some of Indias uncommon social and contemporary problems, whereas never losing locate of the character at the center of the story. The story interwoven around a shop assistant, Sapna Sinha, who is offered to become CEO of a big company in the event that she can pass an arrangement of seven tests. The theme of struggle of existence is the central feature of the thematic concerns in the novel. Also, Swarup emphasizes on many other arguable issues pertaining to the post modern Indian society through his novel, The Accidental Apprentice. It is obvious that Swarups critical thematic plea, his strong stresses on the complexities of the human nature and his fantastic delineation, seem to have added massively to the achievement of this novel, thus signifying his brilliance as one of the prominent writers of post modern India.

 Keywords: Theme, Survival, Adaptation, Existence, Society.
