Consciousness of “Self” in Gita Hariharan’s ‘The Thousand Faces of Night’ and Rajam Krishnan’s ‘Lamps in the Whirlpool’

  • U. Pushpalatha


Writers are the mirror of the society.  Most of the Indian writers are reflecting the society in their novels not only contemporary society but also the tradition and culture of the society.  As women are shining in all the fields, they are coming in writing also.  Women writers are writing for their community Women.  Their writing are exposing womens struggle, oppression, losing individuality and many sufferings in the name of tradition and culture.  This study is also depict the life of women and their hardships in Indian society.  Particularly, in both the novels the protagonist life has shattered after marriage.  The central characters realised that gradually they are losing their individuality and self in family bondage.  Even though both the novelists are lived in different eras their reflection towards society is same.  Their problems are identical, which explains that society and the condition of women are ever same.

 Keywords: Losing Individuality, Oppression, Tradition, Sacrifice and Identity.
