Future Agenda of Well-being

  • Bharath Shashanka Katkam


The purpose of the current study is to identify the research gaps existing in the Stress & Well-being literature & to address the ways to fill those research gaps. This study tries to integrate the theories of biology into the Management discipline. This article is based on a review of the literature on various Stress & Well-being journals belonging to management & biology disciplines. This article suggests a research model or conceptual framework for measuring Individual Well-being. This conceptual framework is derived on the basis of various theories belonging to Biology & Management disciplines. Well-being of the Individual is found to be a function of the Circadian rhythm i.e., the Well-being of an Individual is found to be correlated, according to the fluctuations in the Circadian rhythm. It is also founded that the Objective measure of the Stress (i.e., Salivary Cortisol) is a reliable indicator of the Stress level of the Individual. This paper contributes to the literature in many ways. This article has highlighted the usage of the Circadian rhythm theory in the Well-being studies. This article also emphasized the usage of Salivary Cortisol to measure the Stress of an Individual. Academicians can make use of these to find out the Well-being & Stress of the Individuals respectively. This study provides a few Practical Implications as well. Practitioners can plan their work schedules according to the Circadian Rhythm. The practitioners can assess the Stress level of the Individuals by the Salivary Cortisol values, in spite of using the Questionnaire-based measures.

 Keywords:circadian rhythm,cortisol, Salivary cortisol,Well-being
