Ayushman Bharat Yojna

  • Yogita Bhatia


The Prime Ministers most ambitious scheme, Ayushman Bharta Yojna is boost for the poor families of the India. The concept and the thought behind the Ayushman Bharta yojna are wonderful. Taking into the account of the poor people those are willing to take proper medical services but are unable to take care and treatment from any medical institution due to lack of medical facilities. Many India poor are dependent on Government health facilities for the treatment. But for few treatments requires major out of pocket expense for treatment, surgeries and medicine. The new health insurance scheme of Ayushman Bharat Yojna included two initiatives; one is to provide INR 5,00000 health coverage to the poorest families and second is to establishment of Health and Wellness centres up to health sub centres level. The two ways process is to cover the maximum number of the beneficiaries by the Ayushman Bharat Yojna. By the insurance of INR 5,00000 a poor family can seek treatment in private hospitals also those are affiliated with the chief medical official of the same district.
