Glossopoeia: The Linguistic Fantasy of J. R. R. Tolkien

  • Alaka J


Constructed languages, otherwise known as conlangs are made up as a result of conscious efforts by an individual or a group of peers rather than developing themselves in a natural course. Every aspect about a conlang phonology, morphology, syntax, grammar, vocabulary, semantics, etcetera is constructed from the creators imagination. Conlangs or invented languages thus differ from evolved languages or languages born out of blending like pidgins or creoles. Some conlangs are also developed from natural languages but the major difference between a conlang and an evolved language is that conlangs are created deliberately whereas evolved languages develop unintentionally. For example, Jamaican Patois (a blend of English and West African languages) is an evolved language whereas Interlingua (an Italic International Auxiliary Language) is a conlang
