Cultural Clash in Toni Morrison’s Tar Baby

  • A. Bhuvaneshwari


                     Compared to all the other novels by Toni Morrison Tar Baby certainly is her most unsual one. The major circles of reality in American society replicate the power and powerlessness in American society. Blacks were subjected to multiple oppressions by Imperialistic powers. As a result of this exploitation, they kept away from their culture and traditions. Culture of community plays a vital role in survival of human being. Blacks were subjected to white standards, traditions and hegemonic culture which are alien to them and as a result had devastating effect on their survival. This paper is concerned with the exploitation of cultural clash in Tar Baby (1981) by Toni Morrison. It examines role of their cultural heritage and traditions in black womens development in the American society. Tar Baby is studied as the basis for this analysis because it depicts the cultural differences and their effect on the development of the black people in different forms, especially on womens life.
