Adaptive context aware role based access control Model for Pervasive Learning Environment

  • A.M.Hema, Dr. K.Kuppusamy


Abstract-With the rapid change in learning environment, there is the possibility for the user to access the learning resources from anywhere, at any time through any device. Thus pervasiveness and mobility of devices made the access control, adaptive in nature. Therefore, dynamically changing context does not have complete leverage on access control for the resources requested by the user. We propose an access control model that adapted by gathering the dynamically changing contextual information, other related data that has an impact on access decisions between the trusted entities/devices. As a result, access control model designed, based on the user behavior, environmental parameters and trust of the entities which are participating in accessing the resources at an instance in pervasive manner.  The requested service allowed or denied through the adapted access policies. Results and performance analysis are presented for the proposed context aware role based access control model.
