Implementation of ICT in Education

  • Dr. Poonam Devdutt, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Jain, Dr. Naveen Kumar


Digital Technology and Connectivity (ICT) within such a short period of time, has been one of the main buildings new society Blocks. Most countries are now looking to recognizing ICT and perfecting core competencies and concepts in addition to reading, using ICT as part of the heart of education reading and numbering. Educational ICT implementations, be they in education management, administration, teaching, learning, measurement of curriculum results, curriculum design, counseling, distance education, testing, etc. fall into the framework of instructional computer science. Having computers or multimedia in schools became more of a fashion piece, the result becoming that its integration is often nothing more than cosmetic despite its potential for making learning liberative. It is also frequently celebrated as a magic bullet for teacher shortages. These are damaging to the child's learning. Professor and education system needs to orient and make the teacher aware of differentiate between developmentally sufficient and prejudicial use of ICT. This also needs to supply the teacher’s competence in using ICT for professional advancement on their own.
