An Overview on Production of Rice in Water Deficient Regions
Rice output in Asia must expand to feed the population constantly growing. Whilst a thorough assessment of the water deficit in Asian rice production continues, there are signs that the sustainability of the rice irrigated system will be threatened by deteriorating water quality and water supply. Drought is one of the primary constraints on large yields of rain-fed rice. Asia must find ways to cultivate more rice with less water, in order to ensure food safety and environmental health. This study explores the entire approach of the International Rice Research Institute to increase rice output and to reduce consumption for rice production, including genetics, breeding and coordinated resource management. The saving of water irrigation techniques such as saturated soil cultivation and alternate wetting and drying will substantially lower unproductive water drains and continue to increase water production. Additional contemporary technologies are being explored to improve water productivity without losing output. The C4 pathway in rice is included to enhance output per unit of water transpired, to improve drought resistance by utilizing genetic biotechnology and to produce 'aerobic rice' for good and safe outputs of unflooded land.