Review on Environmental Issues

  • Satyendra Arya


In every culture, environmental consciousness must be nurtured to be an optimal society or more precise, in some cultures. The world that has an environmental consciousness, terms, means an ideal society. The sense of the term "environmental" is the term 'environmental consciousness' that means an entity, area or circumstances around it shall be mindful of the surroundings in order not to disrupt that climate. The interaction between the world and human’s life has been an autonomous division of science study in recent years that takes the environmental name technology - science. Perhaps it was also the case relationship has taken the form of respectable cohabitation. The human history of the last few thousand years is renowned for its wonders of nature have always proven very enticing in numerous ways to continually and/or reliably advance. Human feelings and acts solved. The main question is the inevitable equilibrium between human life and the not to lose the setting. This is the fundamental prerequisite that any life flourishes, particularly in human life. The highest this paper will lead to assisting the respective government entities in building the environment for the people of India Sensitivity.
