Importance of Picture Encryption Techniques: A Review Papers

  • Neeraj Kaushik


The security of data or information is one of the major problems around the world, and many practical methods have been explored by different researchers around the globe over the last decade. The privacy of the data has now become a primary concern for a few days and needs more attention in order to protect the confidential data of the strikers during the transmission of data over communication channels. This paper provides a detailed study of current image encryption algorithms, their efficiency, and compatibility with existing communication systems. In addition, this research will allow various researchers to determine the new image encryption algorithm secrecy threats that have been used for data secrecy over the past few years. In the current comprehensive survey, a detailed analysis of the existing algorithms in the RGB picture arena will also be provided.This paper therefore focuses primarily on the problems of confidentiality and difficulties in the color image encryption domain.
