Segregation of Biodegradable Waste with the Help of LPC2148 Module

  • Neeraj Kaushik


India is one of the second largest inhabited nations in the globe. Due to this growing suburbanization the waste material is also increasing extremely wherein waste involves a lot of materials namely metal, plastic, glass and many more which leads to huge loss in materials present in the earth. Now overall we see around, the materials mentioned above are obtaining an essential place in one’s life. But the most important thing is now these materials are found in less quality in earth's crust specially metals. In these rarities immense numbers or portions of metals are discarded or thrown out instead of recycling them. In this paper to prevent the material drain different methods are formulated at different levels and one of the systems or techniques is by permitting the materials items used in our kitchen or at hotels or restaurants to be drained. This technology is fundamentally using common methods like metal detection, lead detection to prevent this phenomenon of material drain and abridging less waste to process and making earth a wonderful place to live. The product is designed in order to solve the basic, day-to-day problems faced by the people it is designed and conceptualized to prevent the loss of material pieces from restaurants and hotels.
