E-learning Applications in Multimedia: A Review

  • Pradeep Kumar Shah


Multimedia and networking technologies have had a significant impact on our everyday activities, particularly as regards how all learn. E-learning technologies have facilitated the provision of a web-based virtual classroom environment by promoting teacher-student and student-student communication to transform the modern education system according to current needs, course material delivery, and online student assessments. They give the students more control over their schedule and speed of learning. In addition to this, "E-learning" systems now provide various media types for students to suit their learning preferences, leading to changes in their learning effectiveness. Interactive multimedia offers learners various types of media to suit their learning style, customizes the delivery of digital content that increases learning performance. In this chapter, the quality of knowledge can be enhanced by multimedia-based methods and strategies are explored, as well as the negative and positive effects of using interactive multimedia for e-learning learners. This extended presentation explores the new multimedia-specific "E-learning" developments from both pedagogical and technical viewpoints, their research challenges and future trends. This research covers Digital Tools for e-learning, social networks as an "e-learning" tool, and e-learning efficacy and experience.
