• Pavan Kumar Singh


I came to know about a practice that, i.e., the method of Devadasis, prevails widely in some states of India. In the ritual, a teenage girl is married to a temple god and is sexually assaulted at their leisure by priests and other clients. It is possible to generalize the practice as' Child Trafficking.' The practice is pervasive and has infected India's vast population. The practice is carried out as a family occupation in many parts of tribal India by different communities. In Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi, there are big prostitution centres. Boys are stigmatized by evil in the same manner. The causes for the activity are uneven allocation of power and resources and other socio-economic factors, such as poverty and unemployment. Sex workers are raped, brothels are searched, sex workers are left unheeded along with their small children, in the name of the constitution, refusing citizenship to those individuals. They are not entitled to live their lives with dignity. Moreover, India does not have an appropriate judicial framework and public capital at its current stage to rehabilitate such a vast population. It's important to decriminalize prostitution. Slow regulation and management of hygiene, sanitation and the development of people's socio-economic conditions should be handled by the government at present. In the long run, this would undoubtedly lead to the gradual and peaceful eradication of evil from the country.
