Impact of Innovations in Telecommunication on Green Economy & Sustainable Development

  • S. JyothiSankar, Dr. K. S. Chandrasekar


Innovation is the process and outcome of creating something new, having value. Innovation starts with invention of new ideas or elements, which undergoes developments useful for commercial purposes. It may be incremental, disruptive, architectural or radical. It involves the capacity to adapt by adopting new products, processes, marketing and organization, and promoted by an agency. Attributes of innovative technologies are: Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Trialability and Observability.

Telecommunication is the science & practice of transmitting information by electromagnetic means. It has contributed immensely to our development.  The Digital Divide is due to the inequitable access to these services. Due to its rapid growth, Information and Communications Technology sector has become a major source of toxic pollution through e-waste and greenhouse gas emissions. ICT sector stakeholders and policy-makers have begun to identify opportunities for using ICTs to enable the development of green economy, with the support of experts in sustainable development.

            The services & applications by Internet of Things supports the development of green economy, by enhancing the capacity of the public and private actors to monitor natural and human systems in real time, and manage the operations and impacts of these systems in more sustainable ways, through increased energy and material efficiency and substitute renewable resources for their non-renewable equivalents.
