An Empirical Study on Energy Estimation Tools

  • Anithakrishna G, M Mohankumar


          Technically improvedproducts including hardware and software offer manifold opportunities to reduce energy consumption for a movement towards sustainability. Green computing refers to an effective advancement towards the design and manufacture of software products, using computers and its resources with minimal or no impact on environment. The objective of Green computing as of now is to effectively manage power and energy efficiency, by choosing eco-friendly hardware and software, and recycling them to increase the products life. Cloud centres reduce the resource usage but consume a huge amount of energy,have high management cost and residue and leave bad spoor on the environment.  The energy efficiency of a software product can be calculated by hardware or software implementations. While using hardware to calculate the energy efficiency, we wont be able to track correctly the energy dissipation spots in the product. For overcoming this, we have designed a model in which we can correctly identify the energy consuming spots and develop a tool which conforms to the green standard of computing.
