A Review on “Balanite Aegyptiaca seed” as Anti – Inflammatory & Anti- Rheumatic activity. Biological Activities of “Balanite Aegyptiaca” – A Review

  • Gaurav Goyanar, D P Chatterjee


Balanites aegyptiaca Del. (Zygophyllaceae), identified as desert date, as a spiny shrub or tree up to l0 m tall, widely distributed in dry land areas of Africa and South Asia around the world.  Medicinal herbs or plants are known to have many biological activities from the ancient period; these are used in the ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of various diseases. These plants were proved to have many of the phytochemical constituents that are responsible for the actual mechanism of the activities. Among number of plants, the plant possessing the novel biological activities is Balanites aegyptiaca. This plant have many biological activities such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti diabetic, antiasthmatic, etc, found to be toxic to pests, molluscs and larvae. Even though this plant is toxic, its minimum level of consumption does not cause any serious effects. This plant possesses pharmacologically active substances such as flavonoids, saponins in their callus culture and its anti-inflammatory activity has been known from the ancient period having promising applications for the drug development and research purposes. This review summarizes the biological activities of the plant obtained from the literature.          
