An Exploratory Study on Consumers’ Involvement in purchasing Grocery : Choice of Retail Store Format
 Retail industry, particularly grocery retailing has undergone a vast change in recent years with respect to consumers buying pattern, choice of products, brand preferences and involvement in buying. This has led to advent of various formats for grocery shopping across the country. This journal paper reflects an exploratory study in Kolkata, based on impact of customers involvement in grocery purchase on retail format choice. Objective of the study is to analyze the impact of customers involvement on store format choice (traditional and modern) in purchasing grocery items. All the adult retail customers in Kolkata city, having capacity to take decisions and having the purchasing power to purchase food and grocery are included for the study. It has been evident that respondents , included for the study prefers grocery shopping from both the formats, but when it comes to total involvement in making the purchase, people tend to prefer the organized format over the unorganized one.