Web-based Education: History and Scope in India

  • Deeksha Mishra, Kiran Lata Dangwa


We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teachers hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world. -David Warlick
New trends are emerging which affects the field of education such as Artificial intelligence, Virtual education, Digital Liberty, Game-based curricula, Paperless textbooks, Involvement of social media, Open education resources (OER), Collaborative learning, learning analytics, flipped learning, Blended learning, Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) etc. Most of the above trends do involve the internet or web-based, and all these trends are emerging as Modern electronic educational technology. Modern electronic educational technology is an essential part of society today (Selwyn, 2011). Web-based technique uplifted the entire education system into the next level. Web-based education involves a world wide web (www)for exchanging the information. It is a powerful tool of communication.
