The proposed system is used to improvise the efficiency of energy output from a solar panel. This is done with the help of a setup that consists of the panel mounted on a grill whose position is controlled by a DC motor. Series of light sensor mounted on the assembly is used to detect the intensity of the light incident on it and accordingly adjust the position of the panel. An additional algorithm is used in conjunction with the sensor to improve the efficiency of the setup further to derive maximum generation of power from the panel. The power generated is observed through a special energy meter that is interfaced with the system, this is further used to observe the VI and power graphs of the panel at time period. The data acquired for the generation of the real-time graph is produced by the interfacing a Current sensor to the nodeMCU ESP-12E Module. The VI graphs and power generated can be viewed anytime on electronic devices through IoT. The main aim is to implement this method in domestic and industrial areas to minimize the use of electricity from distribution companies