A classification is made first by energy carrying mediums and then by technologies. The coupled magnetic resonance and magnetic gear technologies are choose for detailed review, because their suitability for EV charging application in both power and range level. Due to the Z-source network (ZSN), the ZSRC inherently performs Power Factor Controls and regulate the system output voltage simultaneously, without adding extra semiconductor devices and control circuitry to the conventional Wireless Power Transfer system such a conventional Power Factor Control converters do. Wireless power transfer (WPT) using magnetic resonance is the technology which could set human free from the annoying wires. In fact, the wireless power transfer adopts the same basic theory which has already been developed for at least 30 years with the term inductive power transfer. Wireless Power Transformer technology is developing rapidly in recent years. At kilowatts power level, the transfer distance increases from several millimetres to several hundred millimetres with a grid to load efficiency above 90%. The advances make the Wireless power transfer very attractive to the electric vehicle charging application in both stationary and dynamic charging scenarios. Here it is reviewed the technologies in the wireless power transfer area applicable to electric vehicle wireless charging. By introducing wireless power transfer in electric vehicles, the obstacles of charging time, range, and cost can be easily mitigated. Battery technologies are no longer relevant in the mass penetration of electric vehicles. It is hoped that researchers could be encouraged by the state of the art achievements, and push forward the further development of wireless power transfer as well as the expansion of electric vehicle