A Study On Cash Management
This study is carried out to understand how the company manages its cash position, liquidity position of the company in the service industry. The objective of this study is to know how to manage receivables, inventory and cash, to study the liquidity position of the company, to look at possible remedial measures on the basis of which tied-up funds in working capital could be used effectively and efficiently. For this the financial statement of the company was collected that is balance sheet and profit and loss account statement for the past five years (2014-15 to 2018-19) and it was analysed to know the cash position of the company.The study will be useful for the investors who wants invest in the company whether to know they will get high rate of return or not and also, they can know whether the company is earning fair profit or not. Thus, through this study the investors can analyse the cash position of the company and how it manages its cash inflow and outflow.