Classification, Description Of Pigment Creating Bacteria From Soil And Water And Testing Of Antimicrobial Action Of Bacterial Pigments

  • Neha Shrivastava , Dr. Sushma Dubey


The objective of the current research was to identify the microbes from various regions, locations,
appropriate to generating pigment with activity such as anti- microbial. Sample such as soil and
water were gathered from various region under various climatic situations. A sum of five pigmented
colonies were identified that generated intracellular pigments and marked organism were featured by
the well recognized professors of university. The pigment was collected from the substrate formed and
their antimicrobial activity was observed. The collected pigments had marking effect on both gram
negative and gram negative bacteria as well as on fungus. So it was finalized that soil and water has
huge widespread organisms which showed antibacterial and antifungal activity.
