Relevance of Buddhha

  • Dr R. P. Gangwar


Here is an attempt to understand the relevance of Buddhas teachings with special reference to concepts of social justice, alternative modernity and globalization. Concept of social justice has its genesis in BuddhismBuddhist values of Mudita, Samata, Karuna, Maitri etc. These values corner stone of social justice often are being related to western oft glorified liberty, equality, fraternity and justice popularized by revolutionary leaders of France and America and later on were incorporated with our constitution through the great efforts of  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. It is difficult to define concept of social justice because of its evolving  and ever widening nature. Its commonly accepted features are right to life, liberty, equality and pursuit of happiness for all without discrimination .1The history of social justice  in India is mainly the history of pains and discriminations based on inequality of caste and gender of those who suffered so much for so long in the contrived situation for no fault of theirs and of efforts of the conscience keepers to emancipate them providing justice. From Buddha, Phule and Ambedkar and others it was fight for human dignity. Today Ambedkar has been synonymous of social justice but he was staunch supporter and follower and researcher of Buddha.2It was Buddhism which inspired him to reject all religions rather than Buddhism because only Dhamma consists of samata (equality),  karuna(love) and Prajna(understanding).Buddha  recognized that  main problem of the deprived classes is that of  misery(dukh) and misery is operative at various levels. At first level it is physical misery caused by poverty and at the second level it is mental   misery   caused  by  disregard  of human dignity . actually preservation of human dignity, development of self-respect among the downtrodden and attainment of salvation is the essence of Buddhas philosophy.3 The essence of  social justice also. Buddha was  much perturbed by the worldly problems  thats why he in Dhammapada said there is no greater benefit than health  and there is nothing more  valuable than the spirit of contentment. He attacked the real  question  of misery  when he said that riches are welcome and instead of listless sufferings  he taught virya, which is energetic action. Contentment is the highest form of wealth  means  not to allow himself to be overpowered  by greed which has no limits4 .seeds of social justice may be seen more clearly and in the explanation of  Dhamma  when he said that mere pradnya is not enough it must be accompanied by sil and Karuna what is necessary of Matri and Dhamma to Sadhamma must promote  equality between  man and man.he gave greater importance to sil than to knowledge because  apart  from sil knowledge has  no value. So  he said that sil is beginning and refuge sil is the mother of all good. It is the foremost of all good conditions. Therefore, purify your Sil5.An ideal society has high ideals and not noble birth.
