Enhance Advertisement for Offline Shopping by Using BLED One Touch Information

  • Reena Thakur, et. al.


We develop a system and a phone application using BLE Device technology to facilitates the analysis of result by stakeholder in order to highlight shortcoming in the service. We use a Bluetooth low energy (BLE) based BLE Device. This system consists of a smartphone application that senses the user location through the BLE Device technology to deliver relevant content based on the location. It also includes web-based platform with two interfaces.

The system announces the next direction to go to the destination at the right place and timing. We think that this type of particular place guidance can be realized when the Device module place two types of role: Quite and Notified Device modules. We introduce an historical guidance system by placing these modules along passage ways in a historical places appropriately to change the contents of advertised information displayed on the smartphone depending on the history of that place. This method for changing the contents of advertised information enables to navigating pedestrians to their destination.
