Aim of Education: Towards the holistic development

  • Dr. Manali Londhe, S.K. Somaiya


Education is a process. It is in the form of formal and informal education. The Parents, Teachers, Society, the family, peers, and our experiences are the sources of the learning. Education is an index of human development. It has always been considered as the instrument of social change. It is the most dynamic force in the life of an individual in influencing his physical, mental, emotional and social development. Throughout the ages the very conception of education has been that it is a source of illumination. Education is an abstract entity and its concept is dynamic. It is a continuous process. Education deals with ever growing man and ever growing society. Education provides both experiences to the individual and his adjustment to the environment. It is also a process which is individualistic as well as social in nature. Education is no more considered to be something which means hard labour. It is a joyous process. The attitude of happiness is essential in getting education. Educational process is dynamic in its nature. It brings about growth through learning and goal seeking. The word 'Education' originated from the Latin word which means 'to bring up' or to nourish'.
