Explore the opportunities of Inter Ethnic-Marriage between Anywaa and Nuer: the case of Gambella region
The main objective of this research was to investigate the opportunities on inters ethnic marriage between Anywaa and Nuer in the case of Gambella region. The study employed descriptive qualitative research approach. The researcher used exploratory as a research strategy/design which is related to interpretive philosophical assumption. Purposive and convenience (availability) samples employed in order to select key informants. Ten couples (10 females and 10 males) as participants for the interview and the 20 participants for the two focus groups discussants. The researcher used in depth interview, focus group discussion and document analysis as the major sources of data collection for this study. Qualitative data employed to analyze thematically based on the research objectives that was guided the study. The studies found out that opportunity of inter ethnic married couples enjoyed. These opportunities are dowry benefit, the growth of mutual interest in history and culture, the development of forbearance on sensitive issue, social capital benefit, safety, stability and security benefit. Finally, conclusion and future directions for intervention are highlighted in accordance with the major findings of the study.