Role of Media and Politicians in Creating Public Opinion about Refugees and Migrants

  • Dr. Mohd. Shahzad


There is no denying that the problems of refugees and migrants have become very challenging issues in the contemporary world. For the last several years, bloody and violent conflicts are often seen across the globe especially in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Myanmar and some parts of African countries. A large number of people are being uprooted and forced to leave their original places due to these conflicts since they commenced. Refugees and Migrants are pouring into Europe and some other western countries from Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia that have created problems for the leaders and policy makers of these countries. In the contemporary world, media is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy, and play a very crucial role in every sphere of human life. Many researches bear testimony to the fact that practical experience of many journalists, politicians and other academicians show that media has impacted public opinion in the greatest possible manner. Presently the migration and refugee crisis is very challenging not only for the nationals of the host countries but also for the immigrants.  Using both primary and secondary sources of data, this paper will explore the relations between media reports and the role of politicians on refugees and migrants and how they impact on public opinion.  The paper finally concludes, inter alia, with some invaluable recommendations that how media can be instrumental in shaping the positive image of refugees and migrants.   
