Traditional Knowledge and IPR: Revitalising Indian Legislative Construction through Sui Generis System

  • Aishwarya .


India is that the home to sizable amount of autochthonous individuals. With quite eighty four million, Bharat has the most important population of the social group individuals within the world. All these tribal people have their own culture, tradition, language and lifestyle.The knowledge possessed by these communities and other local communities are diverse and of great importance to the cultural heritage of India. India has made efforts to protect this knowledge through the existing IPR legislation by including it in patent, copyright, trademark, geographical indication etc. However, due to the dynamic and holistic nature of Traditional knowledge, it hasnt been able to achieve its objectives. In this essay, the author intends to debate the gap between cognitive content and IPR system, would like of single legislation and its workability in achieving the target of protecting cultural values of these communities.
