Review on phytochemical and pharmacological activities of Litsea glutinosa (Lour)

  • Brijesh K. Sharma et. al


The oldest remedies recognized to mankind are herbal medicines. India is recognized universal for its Ayurvedic treatment. India has rich history of using a lot of plants for medicinal purposes. Medicinal plants are playing very active role in traditional medicines for the treatment of diverse ailments. Yet a key obstacle, which has delayed the promotion in use of alternative medicines in the developed countries, is no facts of documentation and absence of stringent eminence control measures. There is a need for the record of all the research work carried out on traditional medicines in the appearance of documentation. The reason of current review is to create accessible up-to-date information on, botany, morphology, ecological biodiversity, therapeutic uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological activities on varied parts of Litsea glutinosa. This review was assemble using technical literature from electronic search engine such as Springer link, Bio Med Central, Pub Med, Scopus, Science Direct, Scielo, Medline and Science domain. Additional texts were obtained from books, book chapters, dissertations, websites and other precise publications. Litsea glutinosa (Lour) C.B.Rob. (Hindi: Maida lakri) is an evergreen tree of medium size, which grows to a height of about 25 m. Establish in mixed primary and secondary forest and thickets throughout india and in the external Himalayas. This species is decisively endangered. The Laurels are inexpensively very important as sources of medicine, timber, nutritious fruits spices and perfumes. Dissimilar parts of these plants are famous for traditional medicines. Western Ghats are using the leaves extract and the aromatic oil from the seeds for the treatment of rheumatic pain. Its barks and leaves are also used as a demulcent and mild astringent for diarrhoea and dysentery; the roots are used for poulticing sprains and bruises. The leaves were reported for the treatment of the unprompted and excessive flow of semen in young boys. The present paper enumerates the Pharmacognostic, morphological and ethnobotanical, pharmacological importance of the L. glutinosa, which may help the researchers to set their minds for resembling the utility, efficacy and strength of the plant.
