Log Based Access Control with Multiple Attribute for Cloud Storage: A Review

  • Sanket G. Maraskolhe et. al


Abstarct: Cloud storage is a promising and important service paradigm in cloud computing. Benefits of using cloud storage include greater accessibility, higher reliability, rapid deployment and stronger protection, to name just a few. Despite the mentioned benefits, this paradigm also brings forth new challenges on data access control, which is a critical issue to ensure data security. Since cloud storage is operated by cloud service providers, who are usually outside the trusted domain of data owners, the traditional access control methods in the Client/Server model are not suitable in cloud storage environment. The data access control in cloud storage environment has thus become a challenging issue. To address the issue of data access control in cloud storage, there have been quite a few schemes proposed, among which Cipher text-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is regarded as one of the most promising techniques.
