Spirituality and Mental Health

  • Dr. Rani Tiwari


Spirituality is that spiritual concentration which leads one beyond the senses and intellect into a super conscious state of ecstatic rapture which brings an immediate personal transcendent knowledge of absolute reality. It is an insight into the subtle realms of the spirit which gives direct realization of God, independent of thinking and reasoning. Meditative life of spirituality makes one more focused, skilful and productive in work. It helps in adjusting priorities and behaving in a manner which is in harmony with the inner self and external surroundings. With the attitude of surrender, patience, contentment and awareness, we reflect peace and joy. Spirituality gives the realization that the entire creation is one and the present moment is most valuable. It helps in elimination of bad memories of the past and the fear for the future which brings mental well- being. Spirituality motivates for selfless service which increases our love for others and all our works are surrendered to Almighty which makes us humble and removes self- centeredness. Spirituality not only brings us closer to our goal of realizing our true nature, it also provides emotional, physical and health benefits. It helps us become more human, loving, compassionate and peaceful. It leads to positive psychological and physiological effects. It is also a way to empower our soul and purify ourselves of countless karmas which is a preparation of soul for the time when it will leave the physical world. Thus the power of spirituality is for living, for dying, and for taking us on a journey beyond body and mind.  
