Role of HRM for increasing employee productivity

  • Dinesh Sharma


Productivity improvement is one of the most important business goals. Inappropriately, this is an activity that is rarely accepted as a legitimate obligation by HR professionals. Most HR professionals accept the need to develop policies, procedures and programs that manage human governance in their operations, but these factors increase employee labor costs (quantity, speed, quality). In line with market trends, bonuses that generally maintain compensation are generally accepted, regardless of whether employment incentives guarantee statutory income. Training tools are often provided by the cheapest provider methods, and there is a minimal estimate of which provider is most effective. In many cases, hiring practices are directed to reducing costs rather than ensuring business competence. Whatever functionality is seen in a typical organization, HR is more interested in transactions than providing performance solutions. We hope that the overall effort of the Human Resources department should have a positive influence on the performance of the workforce, which should not be a hindrance. You need to understand the factors that influence your work. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find the role of human resource management in productivity improvement. In particular, this study aims to investigate the linkages between HRM production and production efficiency by examining the factors affecting individual / team performance
