Multiplex PCR amplification approach to identify the virulent genes responsible for Mastitis caused by Escherichia coli

  • M Ghosh et al.


Mastitis is among the most influential cattle diseases, which has huge impact on the milk industry and
consequently led to the forfeiture in the economy. The great miscellanea of aetiological factors make
this disease more prevailing. The bacterial species hold the most dominating position amongst all
other factors. The transformation of the mastitis is causedseverity due to theconnectionof host with
thepathogenic agents.This disease is very effect too high manufacturing dairy cows and cause various
mortality every year. Present study was planned to develop a new method by using a multiplex PCR
assay for detecting the maximum number of mastitis causing by bacteria from bovine samples. The
unique primers were design for the simultaneous detection of Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli 3O25,
Escherichia coli 4O25. The design primers show higher particularity and sensitivity to amplify the
target genes.
