Recent trends in food adulteration, misbranding and related regulations

  • Jibanananda Mishra et al.


To sustain a healthy life, quality or pure food is a prime necessity for every human being.
However, we have been witnessingwidespread of food adulteration and misbranding across the
globesince long, which may bedue to intentional or unintentional doings. Adulteration is defined
as any change made in the quality of a product by addition or removal of external ingredients,
while misbranding indicates unauthorized labeling,or fake labeling of any product as well as
their marketing. Food adulteration and misbranding are twoiniquities running quietly in the food
market, which violate quality, nutritional values, cost, marketing and promotion of the food.
Several international business trends have got violated and many of them are already got out of
the business due to these issues. Though there are various international and national agencies
instituted to regulate the food market across the globe through various agreements and
legislations, however, it has been challenging to eradicate the intentional food adulteration. This
article is focused on food adulteration types and misbranding as well as the role of various
national and international food safety organizations.
