Skill India is Powerful Tool for Employment Generation in India

  • Dr. Mahavir N. Sadavarte


It is important that half of the population under 30 years in another word India is youngest nations in the world. It is also in India found that most of the youth being educated are facing severe unemployment problem due to lack of skills and technical knowledge or specialization in particular work.  Therefore Government of India framed Skill India and KaushalVikasYojana (PMKVY) for making train Youth and creates employment. Luc of  Capital is also an important problem in India. Skill development is useful to Skill development of assist the youth to process the basic skills required by the employers today and direct a good direction towards their career and improving the proficiency of a person in any specific area. Skill India working purposefully and it is one the best of government schemes of government scheme. It is also useful to entrepreneurship development which is essential for employment generation.


Key Words:Skill, Skill Development, Employment, Employability, Tool
