English Language Teaching and Employability: Need for Bridging the Gap between Academia and Corporate Expectations

  • Ms. Hira Pandya


In the 21st century nations across the world have recognised English as a language of economic development and progress. In the Indian scenario the language plays an important role in higher education, media and the governing of private and public organizations. Graddol (2010) observes English has become a powerful agent of change in India.

In the wake of Globalization in 1991, new avenues opened up for trade and industry in the Indian Economy. English having attained the status as a global language, there arose a need for proficiency in English language skills to cater to the demands of the extended market scenario. The governments liberal policy towards trade and business attracted foreign investors to explore Indian markets. The arrival of multinational corporations in India resulted in an upsurge in demand for a work force competent in English. In the back drop of this economic scenario, proficiency in English language skills has evolved as a key indicator of employability in the corporate sector.
