Emerging Laws for Cyber-crime and Cyber security in India: Information Technology Act, 2000

  • Dr. Priya Rao, Abhay Kumar Tiwari


This paper basically deals with the concept, background and the emerging laws enacted in the field of cyber-crime and cyber security in India. The paper specifically focuses on the key feature of the laws, reason for the cyber-crime and also the institution that made under the Act to handle with this type of crime. With the improvement of the technology, cyber-crime also increasing day by day, and to control this new type of crime all the government institution should have to be more equipped than the criminal. In spite of this, people should also have to be attentive and careful in this matter.

Now adays everybody is at risk of becoming the victim of the cyber-crime. Cyber space offerschances for cyber criminals to cause injuries to innocent people.To defend this form of crime, India give due consideration as countrywho enact IT Act, 2000. This Act is generally protected commercial and economic crimes which are precisely mentioned in the preamble of the Act. However,for the proper implementation of this Act it is necessary to strictly follow the procedure as per law and punish the criminal accordingly.
