Mitigating Data Breaches in Cloud Computing using Advance Encryption Algorithms

  • Shabnam Kaur, Dr. Rajandra Gupta


The importance of Network cloud is increasing and it is accepting a developing attention in the scientific and industrial communities. Cloud Computing has already started to revolutionize the method we store and access data. This paper focuses on risks from cloud computing, and how tenants can mitigate them. The new risk is from a cloud operator who is itself malicious. All the companies are moving towards the cloud. Because the cloud puts tenants on a common computing infrastructure, one flaw exposed in that infrastructure can threaten all tenants. Clouds gather computations of potentially mutually distrusting tenants on the same compute platform, potentially introducing opportunities for cross-tenant attacks. These risks have given rise to numerous active and worthwhile research agendas to enable tenants to mitigate them. But data breaches could be mitigated using Data Leak Prevention and Detection methods implementing advance Rivest Shamir Adleman(RSA) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithms.
