Molecular Single Electron Transistor: Theory, Applications and Challenges
The objective of this paper is to review in brief the fundamental physics of a nano-scale single-electron device (SED). Single electron transistor (SET) is one such device, which has number of potential benefits in the field of optics, electronics and sensors; reason being its precise control over individual electron transport and storage. SET works on the principle of coulomb blockade phenomenon, where the device electrodes have considerable control on single charge flow through the island. The advantages of SETs are their ability to store and transport single electrons and very low operational power consumption. The fact that they have a huge potential for a variety of practical applications, was the major motivation to analyze SET. SETs are of keen interest because of their predicted use in memory as well as logic applications. As the technology is shrinking, SET has been a pivotal device that can be used in many applications like memory, logic and in hybrid circuits. The present work aims to understand and analyze performance of molecular SET, circuit level designing using SET and to understand possible logic designing applications of SETs. This paper also includes detailed information about different methods used till now to model SET, both at device level as well as at circuit level. Molecular SETs because of its nano-scale size and very low power consumption will surely revolutionize memory and digital data storage technologies.