• Aishwarya. B et al.


 The marketing sector is changing its conventional marketing methodology to cyber marketing. The growth of E-marketing develops the process of creating, communicating and delivering the values of products and services to the customers through the internet. The revolution in the marketing is connected with Noah's Ark by Philip Kotler in his book marketing 4.0 (i.e.) once the change occurs in civilization; new civilization develops likewise when traditional marketing shifts its conventional strategies' into modern marketing a new set of customers (civilization) develops. The marketing sector has faced transformation from stereotype marketing to supermalls to cyber malls. This revolution changed civilization to the contemporary age.Customers do not buy the product, they buy product benefits.-David Ogilvy. This paper will focus on how citizens get influenced by internet marketing. The market is becoming more inclusive where it eliminates geographical differences, availability of the product and it connects people throughout the globe, and now the world has shifted its market under one roof called internet marketing. The customers are becoming horizontal oriented and they seek advice and review about the products and services, both online and offline. But of course there are advantages and disadvantages for their own; therefore, in any type of marketing, the ultimate goal is to win the customer advocacy.Thus, the study demonstrates the changes in the marketing era from conventional to present day with a few dependable variables on Indian economic changes.
