Work Profile of the Secondary School Female Teachers

  • Prof. Vijaya. B. Korishetti
  • Roopa. S Jogalekar


The present research article explores the work profile of  secondary school female teachers. The researcher has used questionnaire method as a tool for collecting data for the study. 200 scheduled caste female secondary school teachers  from Vijayapur district have been selected on random basis.The female teachers in secondary school work more than prescribed time particularly in aided school than in government schools. They enjoy several facilities  such as maternity benefits, toilets facility, clean drinking water. It is appreciable to not that the teachers enjoy equal status with men in their schools. It is really disheartening to note that they are deprived of several amenities. They  dont have separate  cabin which is necessary  for their privacy. They dont have crhe facility in the school for which they have to depend on relatives or neighbours to bring up   their children.  This affect their job satisfaction and in turn leads to role conflict. They are also deprived of transport facilities from the school. They travel more than 10 k.m from  their house   which affects their  efficiency. They also dont have canteen facility for which they have to depend on their own lunch box, which have to be prepared by themselves.  They   are deprived of medical facilities in the school in time of emergency.
