Standardization of Apamarga Kshar Taila

  • Hitaba Gohil, Rekha Parmar


The word standardization means the application of suitable methods and processing by when optimum conditions are ensured for obtaining predictable result and product which confirm to certain set of standard in quality, purity, stability, safety and shelf life. But the method of preparation is slightly tedious on the basis of sneha sidhdha lakshana because foam formation occurs during the sneha sidhdha last stage process and excess heating leads to soap formation which leads the loss of whole here an attempt was made to standardized of Apamarga kshar taila.Generaly kshar used as kalka dravya here prepared oil with fresh panchag also instead of kshar as kalka dravya.

 Keywords- Standardization,Sneha sidhdha,Apamarga,Kshar taila.
