A Study of Satisfaction of Consumers on Jurisdiction Process, Behavior of Officers and Location of Indore District Consumer Forum in Lodging Complaints for Redressal
Indore is the commercial capital of state of Madhya Pradesh of India. This study aims to find out the satisfactionlevel of consumers of Indore city, situated in the heart of state of Madhya Pradesh, towards the jurisdiction process, distance of consumer forums from the main area of city and satisfaction level towards filling of case by consumers in Indore district consumer forum. This study is completely based on empirical data and based on original contribution in the field of consumer satisfaction towards jurisdiction process and distance of Indore district consumer form. As from the ancient time, consumers have been the backbone of the any market whether it is global market or it is domestic market, no one can deny the importance of consumers and if consumers are in the problems so it is very important to focus on their problem and find some ways to solve their problems. This time in the city of Indore, there are a lot of complaints are being lodged by the consumers in different product or service sectors in Indore district consumer forum so it is vital to measure the satisfaction level of consumers towards jurisdiction process, the difficulties of consumers who reach and fill complaints in the forum and satisfaction level of them in all these procedures.After the analysis of data of consumers of Indore district, results and conclusion drawn.
Keywords- Jurisdiction process, satisfaction level of consumers, distance of forum, difficulties of consumers, barriers of consumers, filling of case, redressal of complaints or cases.