• Dr Bhavna Sood et al.


It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see.

Winston Churchill Our civilization is grappling with climate change, pollution, scarcity of non-renewable resources, loss of bio-diversity, urban sprawl and many such environmental issues. The need of the hour is to focus on efficiency, sustainability and renewability. Efficiency is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result. In simple words, it is the ability to do thing successfully and without waste. Sustainability has become, what Thomas Gieryn (1999) calls a 'boundary term': one where science meets politics, and politics meets science. The 'boundary work' around sustainability, is of linking environmental and economic development concerns presently this has become a major concern across the world. It is this complex intersection between science and politics where boundary work takes place, and where words, with meaning, have an important political role in processes of policy making and development. Renewable resources are a part of Earth's natural environment and the largest components of its ecosphere. Despite the madness of human consumption and the harm that we are causing to the environment, it's not too late for us to save the world.
