Effect of Occupational Stress on Teachers of Self Finance Colleges in Varanasi District

  • Ayush Kumar, Prof. K. K. Agarwal,


In todays changing world every individual is facing a certain level of stress and none of the profession is even stress free. Every one facing stress within the family and relatives, business, study work, or any of socio- economic activity they are involved in. Stress has become the part and problem of everyones life, it became the main concern to everyone, and apart from that everybody wants a stress- free life. Teaching profession are generally viewed as a low stress profession and characterized as light workload, flexibility in working hours and benefits such as health facility, foreign trips for conference etc. However, recent studies suggested that the teachers of self finance colleges are facing a high level of occupational stress due to avoidance of rules made by authorities and concentration of college administrative power in single hand. This concentration of power and high level of profit maximization desire leads to exploitation of employees of college. So, this study is conducted in five self finance colleges of Varanasi District and total thirty two respondents have been taken to collect the data from teachers of different demographical factors and different courses. Percentage method has been used to analyse the data. The study reveals the prevalence of high level of stress among teachers of self finance colleges in Varanasi District. This paper also recommends various measures that can be adopted by the institution and authorities to reduce the stress among teachers.

Keywords: Occupational Stress, Self- finance Colleges, Job insecurity, Career development
