The Flush of Clinical Tourism: Explaining online Food Photography Information on the Travel Process for People Traveling on Flicker

  • Amar vinod chavan


The purpose of this study was to create a profile for users who are passionate about food saline food photography and also explore the role of process salt food photography in their travel process. Based on the "use and gratification principle", a mixed method was adopted for this research.

 Content analysis was employed to understand the members' general motivation to participate in various online offline food photography activities. To determine whether there are significant differences between active members and non-active members, a series of t -tests and independent sample t tests were conducted. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis supported each other.

 The findings indicate that fun factors, personal identity, and social interaction are a major part of the Nine Food photography activities. It was further revealed that the participants' tourism experiments were recorded as personal photography but shared socially through the use of social media. For active members, food images influenced them in terms of providing innovation and information. Active members also seem to be more likely to find new places to travel for new food experiences, and food photography has had a profound impact on where they plan to travel. Based on the results, suggestions for culinary tourism promotion and destination marketing were discussed.

 Keywords: Social media; Food photography; Culinary tourism, use and gratification; Flickr
