Developing methods for mRNA vaccines: A Review
mRNA vaccines have a good immunological profile, a good safety profile, and the flexibility that genetic vaccines lack. Based on in situ protein production, mRNA vaccines may induce a balanced immune response that includes both cellular and humoral immunity while not being limited by MHC haplotypes. Furthermore, since it is a minimum and only temporary carrier of information that does not interact with the genome, mRNA is an inherently safe vector. Because any protein may be produced from mRNA without changing the manufacturing method, mRNA vaccines provide the most development flexibility. When taken as a whole, mRNA seems to be a viable vector that has the potential to provide the foundation for a game-changing vaccine technology platform. The present state of knowledge about several issues that should be addressed while creating an mRNA-based vaccination technology is outlined below. Because RNA is notoriously fragile, using it for medicinal purposes is a risky proposition. Despite the molecule's susceptibility to the almost ubiquitous ribonucleases (RNases),1 mRNA was initially pushed as a therapy in 1989, after the discovery of a widely applicable in vitro transfection method.