This investigation of the Delhi Urban Art Commission – a plan survey body in the post-pilgrim city of Delhi – clarifies its job and obligations, its viability, and its effect on the assembled climate of Delhi. The examination addresses the adequacy of the Commission. It declares that the Commission is important for Delhi as it is the lone organization that has the information and comprehension of metropolitan plan, advancement, furthermore, the complexities of the post-pilgrim city just as the legal ability to have an effect to Delhi's fabricated climate. An examination of the Commission's significant late choices proposes three key reasons for its insufficiency: both public and private offices routinely disregard the Commission's proposals; it endorses projects without adequate examination; and it neglects to successfully utilize its suo motu contemplates. The examination proposes measures to make it more responsible and straightforward, and to liberate it from political impedance to tackle its maximum capacity and reestablish its picture and force as imagined at its initiation.